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Christmas Key Scroll

Christmas key scroll

Do you remember how disappointed you felt when you heard that Santa wasn’t real? Are you a parent, or know of one, whose child is questioning if Santa is genuine? Are you of the mindset to receive you must believe? If you are answering yes to these questions, then you are going to really value The Christmas Key Scroll. It is a proper farewell from Santa himself that is a passing of the torch for secret gift giving that prevents the inevitable heartbreak that would have occurred by simply confessing to years of deceit.

Created by Anna Valencia Tillery, for her own son, The Christmas Key Scroll takes parents from feeling anxious and guilt-ridden to alleviated and golden in the eyes of their child. The scroll itself is an eloquent rhyming, heartfelt goodbye encouraging children to keep the magic of Christmas alive through acts of kindness and traditions. Within the text, gentle explanations and wisdom abound providing both optimism and closure.

Designed to be given to your ready to know child Christmas morning as a final parting from Santa found in their stocking, each scroll is hand rolled, sealed with a golden wax “S” stamp, and tied with red velvet rope that holds a customized wooden key ornament. Antique paper and a blend of Old and New English font help to create a feeling of nostalgia and adds to the authenticity of a letter written by St. Nick himself. Handcrafted by local businesswomen and fellow moms throughout the Treasure Coast of Florida, the Christmas Key Scroll is the perfect solution to preserving your child’s pure spirit for the season. To help keep the Christmas Key Scroll out of sight from children, the stocking send-off is available exclusively online with free shipping at www.ChristmasKeyScroll.com.

May this new tradition of a proper farewell bring joy and understanding to your family for many years to come.

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